Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble Wobble Race Results!

Place: 1006/2087
Top 50%
Chip time: 31:34 
(which is what I count because I was at a 2 minute standstill at the start)

I have been up since 6:30am working race registration and then I did the run! I always get anxious before a race and I peed twice within 30 minutes before the race started...

Anyways, I was fine with the race! The last hill was grueling, but I had so much adrenaline. Plus, ACDC's "Shook Me All Night Long" was blaring in my ears. I never, ever run with earphones but it helped me focus especially once I separated from my friend. It kept distractions away from my mind and it gave me my moment to just run the race, for me, like I originally planned.

5ks are getting to be easier, which is exciting. Maybe I will be ready for the Rock'n'Roll Half come September!

My running attire for the race (this was taken post-race, no way was I taking a picture at 6:30am). 

Top: Avia (blue long sleeve),  Nike (short sleeve purple, underneath), Aerie (sports bra). 
Bottom: Under Armour Coldgear Compression Tights. 
Shoes: ASICS

Honestly, I was dressed PERFECTLY for the weather. I debated whether or not to take my vest and I'm so glad I left it behind. Less is more when running a race, everyone!

I'm very thankful for my body and it allowing me to run this race with zero complications! I'm also thankful for my friend who I ran beside for about half of the run. Today was a great day!

I came home and stretched my achy muscles to "thank" them.

Now, I must go catch some ZZzzzs because I am opening tonight at the mall for Midnight Black Friday MADNESS!

Stay fit, healthy and full of food and happy Thanksgiving!


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